It’s with a very heavy heart that this afternoon I said goodbye to a dear friend. Though I knew we’ve been on borrowed time for quite a while now, it’s never easy to let go. My sidekick defied the odds longer than anyone could have ever expected and for that I’m grateful. Even with broken volume buttons which required a handicap feature for the hearing impaired, a limited amount of memory & storage which never left much to be desired, and a delayed camera which never seemed to be ready when I needed it, we muddled through because let’s face it, no one is perfect. Regardless of all the UNPOLISHEDNESS, we had some amazing moments together that I will not soon forget.
I must admit, at first I was hesitant to take on a new friend. Despite my wariness, you were always understanding and ever so patient allowing me the time I needed to get to know you at my own pace. Once I became comfortable enough to trust you, it felt as though we had been friends forever. Before long it was obvious our bond was solid and would not easily be broken. I was thrilled to have your endless support. I was lucky to call you a friend. You were everything.
Together we traveled near and far. The Northeast, Southeast, and the Midwest too. We went boating and biking. We went skiing. We flew on many airplanes to the Caribbean and abroad to Europe. Together we climbed to the top of Mt. Vesuvius and then down to explore the Blue Grotto. We once hung out at Buckingham Palace and would be damned if we didn’t taunt the guards into smiling at us! Even when I took solo trips, I knew I was never alone because you were there with me.
We took our first selfie together. It required some trial and error, but eventually we got pretty good at it. We went a little crazy sometimes, huh?
Together we trained and successfully ran five half marathons side by side. Together we also completed two triathlons. There is no way I would have been able to cross those finish lines on my own. Your help was immeasurable and I can not thank you enough.
We watched both kids graduate from Pre-School and were also together when they began Kindergarten, first, second and now the third grade. We captured the children getting on the bus, waving goodbye, and then arriving back safely week in and week out.
Sometimes it was easy to go an entire day without speaking to another soul. Not a one. Well, except for you. You made it easy. I think those quiet days when it’s just you and me are what I’ll miss the most.
I could go on and on and on and on but suffice it to say, you were my loyal companion. You worked hard my friend. My goodness did you work hard. We had a great run you and I. But now it’s your time to Rest In Peace. And rest you shall.
Goodbye my beloved “iPhfriend.”
Stay Gold Pony Boy. Stay Gold.

You kill me. I couldn’t imagine who you were talking about initially and actually had a pit in my stomach at first.
Ditto. , Amy’s reaction and response. Dad
This cracked me up! I am breaking up with my iphone soon! It won’t be missed like yours! I found you through Blogging It Forward!