Last night I went to the grand opening of the KIEHL’S Since 1851 store located in Town Center. This New York based company has finally opened their doors to those of us living in Boca Raton, Florida.
How lucky are we?
‘Kiehl’s Since 1851, the venerable New York-based purveyor of fine quality skin and hair care preparations, is proud to offer Palm Beach County its first opportunity to discover Kiehl’s efficacious skin, hair and body care products, personalized customer service, and 165-year-old heritage through the complete Kiehl’s experience.’
“We are extremely excited to give Southern Florida a new opportunity to discover our heritage and history, our philanthropic mission, our sampling and service-oriented approach to retail, and of course, our full line of skin, hair and body care for women, men, children and even dogs,” said Chris Salgardo, Author and President, Kiehl’s USA. “Since we opened our first retail store in Florida in Miami in 2003, our Southern Florida customers have helped drive our company’s growth, supporting Kiehl’s both in store and online. Demand for another retail store has only grown, and we’re so excited to bring Boca Raton its own Kiehl’s. Each element, from the design of the fixtures explaining our skin, hair and body formulations, to the historical photographs, mementos and Kiehl’s icons, helps tell the extensive story of this unique company that began as an old-world apothecary at the corner of 13th Street and Third Avenue in New York’s East Village.”
Kiehl’s Boca Raton has successfully duplicated the look and feel of the original New York City apothecary but with a modern day twist.

Always environmentally conscious, Kiehl’s Since 1851 stands by their Recycle And Be Rewarded Program. Customers who return empty bottles are rewarded with complimentary Kiehl’s products! Further, Kieh’ls Since 1851 is proud to use the highest quality of natural ingredients possible.

Kiehl’s Since 1851 takes pride in offering one-on-one personal attention to customers in order to better define the needs of an individual relative to their overall skincare practices. I witnessed first hand the dedication of Kiehl’s staff members.

I had the pleasure of meeting Chris Salgardo, President of Kiehl’s Since 1851. He is the author of the book MANMADE: The Essential Skincare and Grooming Reference For Every Man.
We had a chance to catch up and chat about the book.

Silver Unpolished: Kiehl’s Since 1851 here in Boca Raton. Why now?
Chris Salgardo: I’ve been with the company for sixteen years and we’ve always had such a great following in Florida. I always loved Boca Raton Town Center but I believe in getting it right and that includes the right space. I’ve been looking for five years for the right space here in Boca. I’m a patient man! It had to be right rather than be in a space I didn’t believe in. So when we found the location, I was like, Let’s do it and here I am!
Silver Unpolished: If you were stuck on a deserted island ( think contestant on Survivor) what is the one Kiehl’s luxury item you would bring and why?
Chris Salgardo: Super Fluid. Because of the sunscreen. You can put it all over your body. Shake that sucker up and protect your skin because once I get rescued, I wanna be sure I’m looking my best!

Silver Unpolished: What is the one luxury item NOT related to the essentials of skincare and grooming you would want to bring?
Chris Salgardo: Can I bring my iPhone?
Silver Unpolished: I love your beard. How long have you had it?
Chris Salgardo: Oh wow. I’ve had it forever; fifteen years!
Silver Unpolished: You mentioned in your book that signature scents can be one of the cornerstones of how a man presents himself. Do you have a signature scent?
Chris Salgardo: I have two. I’m an old time Kiehl’s user for years and years even well before I joined the company. A friend of mine had told me about the musk and I was immediately sold. You know, fragrance is about romance and a beautiful story so I switch off. I use the musk when I want something more for evening; when I want to sexy it up! And then there’s a Chanel fragrance I wear called Eau De Cologne which is a fresh citrus for when I want to be more casual.
Silver Unpolished: Do you have a #1 Man Crush with respect to his personal elements of grooming?
Chris Salgardo: I do. I would say it’s David Beckham. He’s somebody who just always keeps it tight! He knows how to work his face; that jaw line; the little shadow beard. His hair always looks great. He gets it and it’s all those little, tiny things that make a difference!
Silver Unpolished: I have two young boys ( 8 and 10 years old). Is it ever too early to teach them about the essence of being MANMADE? Should the tips come from me as their Mom or should they be left to be better influenced by their Dad?
Chris Salgardo: This is super important. When I did focus groups I learned there is great transference of knowledge between mothers and daughters but there’s not much of a transference if at all between father to son. I think as long as either of the parents speak to the kids and say, Hey, comb your hair; comb your brows; brush your teeth I think it’s helpful. Teaching kids good habits early on is the key. The teenage years are tough. When acne sets in it can be rough on their confidence levels. I only wish when I was a kid I knew what I know now about skincare; it would have helped me a lot. It would be great if the lessons came from your husband, but as long as it comes from someone, that’s what matters!
Silver Unpolished: Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Chris Salgardo: HA. Yes! Shopping!
Silver Unpolished: Open-toed shoes for men. Do you embrace the look or avoid it like the plague?
Chris Salgardo: If you are embracing a pedicure too and your toes don’t fall out of your sandals, go for it! Good foot care is very important! Think about your feet. People can see them!
Silver Unpolished: How important is a sense of humor to a MANMADE man’s overall being?
Chris Salgardo: I think for all of us as adults it’s extremely important. It’s said that when you’re a kid you laugh about 250 times in a day but as we get older that number shrinks very dramatically. Laughter is the spice of life. Nothing is that serious that we shouldn’t be enjoying a chuckle. Laughter is a way to break out of stress and feel good about yourself. It’s also about making people around you feel good too.
Silver Unpolished: Of the five types of men you reference in your book, The Modern Gentleman, The Hands-On Man, The Extreme Dude, The Rebel Artist and The Renaissance Man which man do you identify with the most?
Chris Salgardo: The Renaissance Man. This is a man who is looking at life and saying, How do I make it better? How do I show up in my most authentic way? The Renaissance Man is constantly curious. He’s on a journey of self discovery.
Silver Unpolished: In today’s world we’re conditioned not to judge a book by it’s cover; but I would imagine for you, when it comes to MANMADE men and their grooming essentials it’s hard not to judge. How important are first impressions relative to a man’s overall appearance?
Chris Salgardo: It’s super important; not just for men but for women too. Paying attention and doing the little things to put your best face forward goes along way!
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. It was an honor getting to know Chris. I loved learning how passionate he is about working for Kiehl’s, the importance of skincare and the essentials of grooming. Though Chris takes his polishedness very seriously, what I loved the most was his willingness to embrace his manmade UNPOLISHED side too!

Great interview! Also interesting to hear his take on passing down grooming knowledge as I have a son too. Thanks 🙂
Rachel! Congrats for the interview with Chris Salgado! It was a really good chat! Can’t wait to go there! I love the brand and I trust a lot in their products.
Great interview and they have wonderful products!! Thanks for sharing ?
What does he have for old guys???