According to recent studies, the current state of affairs in our world today seems to be contributing to higher levels of confusion for many individuals. Be that as it may, I’m not happy my own muddled mind is consistent with these findings. Falling in line with the new consensus feels… well, confusing!
Fortunately the issues I’m confused about aren’t ones of life altering proportions though still they do often leave me unpolishedly discombobulated.
For Instance….
- How is it every freshman female who moved into a college dorm this Fall messed up on the proper dimensions required to hang up the greyish/white-washed faux brick wallpaper they bought from Dormify? I haven’t seen one picture where there’s enough material to cover both the horizontal and the vertical area at hand. Didn’t anyone think to take measurements? Every corner is a tad short, no?

- Does Dormify only sell big, fluffy, feathery pillows or do they have other options? Why does every female freshman who skimped on the greyish/white-washed faux brick wallpaper also have the big, fluffy, feathery pillows?

- Wait, is it spelled grey or gray? Is there a difference? Does it matter? I’m confused.
- It’s probably because the American version differs from that in other English speaking countries. Speaking of spelling and grammar related issues, I’m sure most people couldn’t care less but I’m incredibly confused why there are those who still use the Oxford Comma. I’m also confused why some people misuse the phrase “I couldn’t care less” by saying, “I could care less.” Unpolished tip: If you could care less then you kinda do care a little.
- How do these huge balloons fit in a regular sized car? Is a celebration not considered a celebration without a massive balloon fest?

- I’m very confused about the word borrow. I always thought borrow by definition meant temporarily lending an item which belongs to one person to someone else for use and after a [short] period of time that person returns it back to its rightful owner. When was the last time you actually got that book back your friend borrowed? What about those folding chairs your neighbor borrowed? A cup of sugar? That ski jacket? And my unpolished favorite, “Hey Mom, can I borrow twenty bucks?”
- I’m confused why the same kids who [borrow twenty bucks and] eat an entire bunch of bananas one week are the same kids who don’t touch them the next and I’m left throwing them away.
photo credit: photo credit: - I’m confused about coffee table books. While they are displayed beautifully, does anyone ever read them or are they just for show?

- I’m confused about high school pictures for today’s graduating seniors. When I was in high school I got exactly one picture taken. Not only did I look horrendous, but the whole thing took about three minutes between classes in the school gymnasium. High School Seniors now capture the moment by taking the entire day off to star in a full blown photo shoot while on glamorous location inclusive of outfit changes and parent and pet participation. Think I’m kidding? CLICK HERE TO SEE WHAT I MEAN. Do Seniors get album options with their diploma? I’m very confused.

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. If you’re also confused about confusing stuff, I wanna hear about it and I’m sure others do too. Please share your unpolished confusion with the rest of us. Confused about how to share your confusion? Click the button below to leave a comment! It shouldn’t be that confusing!
Omg you are AMAZING and this was exactly what I needed today!!!! It IS all so confusing!!! And hilarious, as always!! Xo
This is awesome!! I was replying to you as I read! I too despise the Oxford comma. Lol xo
Love this! Here’s what I’m most recently confused by…. why do people wear their mask if they’re in their car ALONE????!!!
This is the best! I’m confused about a lot of things and these certainly are on my list!!
i’m mostly confused about the high school picture display. Is this for real???