Well, it’s that time of year. I could have sworn we just did this holiday thing a minute ago and yet here we are doing it again.
I figured I should put together a list of some cool stuff as suggestions to buy your loved ones this season. While prepping, I went back into the SUP archives to refresh myself with the list I provided last December and I gotta say, I’m still digging those items. I guess there’s something to be said for consistency, huh?
Don’t worry, I’m gonna bring you up to speed on some new swag but I think it might be worth revisiting my previous blog for some oldie but goodie ideas. CLICK HERE to refresh yourself with HO, HO, HO The Unpolished Gifts You Need To Know!
Alright, so moving on….. Hoverboards right? I’m told that’s the rage this year and all the kids are begging; that is of course if they haven’t already gotten their hands feet on one. I’ve heard rants and raves from my own boys but call me Scrooge ‘cuz I’m not budging. To me, it seems like another gadget which will likely land us in the waiting room at Urgent Care. Thanks but no thanks! I’ll unpolishedly pass.
Here’s A Few Unpolished Presents That Might Perk Up Your Peeps
- IPSY: I’ve been meaning to discuss this with you for quite a while and now seems like the perfect time. IPSY is the online Mecca for all things beauty. The GLAM BAG, filled with deluxe samples and full-sized beauty products geared specifically to suit the individual needs of each recipient shows up at your house once a month for only TEN DOLLARS! Shut the front door, right? WRONG! You won’t want to shut the front door because you’ll be too busy opening the door as you wait to tear into the new shiz that’s arrived! The steps are so simple. Fill out a personalized questionnaire which best describes the beauty needs of the individual and voilé….Wham. Bam. Thank you ma’am for the glam! IPSY’s Glam Bag program allows you to make someone look and feel amazing well after the holiday season is gone! It truly is the gift that keeps on giving! I gave the gift to myself last year and I’m here to tell you month in and month out I still get so excited when my Glam Bag arrives.
2. SAMSUNG GEAR VR: Okay, so if you wanna go Back To The Future I’m pretty sure Samsung Gear VR will get you there! Unpolishedly put, this virtual reality apparatus allows you to gear up so you can then get out and explore whatever world you desire! Videos. Games. Movies. Learning tutorials; you name it, they have it! From live feed Broadway theatrical dress rehearsals to NBA full court practices to political debates on the Senate floor, the content is endless! If you’re a technology freak or shopping for someone who is, you can’t go wrong with a Samsung Gear VR. It’s definitely the latest and greatest in the tech toy category!

3. AMAZON PRIME: If you’re not already an Amazon Prime member I strongly suggest spending the ninety-nine bucks and becoming one. But don’t stop there; splurge and buy a membership for someone who has not yet been privy to the wonders of Amazon Prime. With a million eligible items to buy, Amazon Prime offers free SAME DAY shipping, unlimited deliveries and no minimum order size. AND WAIT… THERE’S MORE! I became an Amazon Prime member because of the TV shows! Prime TV is like Netflix but better. With original series made exclusively for Amazon Prime, you’ll have an unlimited amount of documentaries, comedies, dramas and more to choose from.
My unpolished picks for original Amazon Prime series?
Check these out: Catastrophe. Transparent. Bosch. Betas. Mozart in the Jungle. Alpha House.
4. MARK AND GRAHAM: Lush for leather? Mark and Graham has got something for everyone on your list. With affordable price points, monogramming options, free shipping and gift wrapping to boot, you gotta shop their 20% OFF SALE now! My girlfriends recently noticed I was holding my business cards together with nothing more than a rubberband and they felt compelled to put an unpolished stop to that! They surprised me with a Mark and Graham leather card case holder and polished up the front flap with an embossed SUP for Silver Unpolished! Use the code FRIENDS and shop a deal today!

5. TICKETMASTER, STUBHUB: I’m a big fan of enriching the lives of those I love with a gift of cultural arts. Why not check your local listings via the box office for what’s happening around town and coordinate a day or night at the theater or a similar venue? Not too long ago, I purchased a winter series of theater tickets from one of the centers for performing arts so I could invite various family members and friends to share the experience with me! In an effort to encourage some of the male population to get on board in this arena, I’ll make an exception and allow live sporting events to count as culture. Tell those Sunday football couch potatoes to hightail (gate) themselves to the car ‘cuz they’ll be watching the next game from the fifty yard line! Who wouldn’t love that?

6. PERSONALIZED… ANYTHING I’m an unpolished sucker for anything personalized. Notepads, keychains, even napkins! There are a ton of online retailers that’ll take the simplest of knick knacks and kick it up a notch. Zazzle, For Your Party and Ballard Designs are just a few of the many websites to check out!

7. NO CHEWING ALLOWED! TRUFFLES AND HOT CHOCOLATE: Yup, you read that correctly. Truffles. French truffles to be exact. These truffles are so good you’re not allowed to chew them! As the name implies, the only acceptable way to experience the flavor to the fullest degree is by letting the delicious delicacy melt in your mouth!

This unique treat will impress even those with the most sophisticated of palates. Premium hot chocolate is also a specialty of the No Chewing Allowed! conglomerate. The combination of pure hot chocolate with a french truffle melted in is the perfect indulgence. Enjoy it for yourself or give it as a gift to an unpolished friend who’s truly feignin’ for a fixin’ of the finer foodie finds in life! Swing by one of the three freestanding kiosks in New York City (limited time only Bryant Park Winter Shop; Union Square Holiday Market; Columbus Circle Holiday Market) or buy the signature flavor and/or assorted flavors available anytime online.

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. No matter what gift you give you this gift-giving season, it’s bound to be well received if it comes from the heart! Nothing says pathetically impersonal more than succumbing to the generic gift card(s) you can grab at the last minute while on the supermarket checkout line. So before you take that passive route, stop and give it a bit more thought! I promise a little goes a long way. If you take the extra step to really think about who you’re shopping for I betcha the peeps will perk up and appreciate how well you planned to personalize the presents to meet their unpolished specifications. Try it!
Happy Holiday Shopping!
The gift of this post arrived JIT (just in time) for my holiday shopping!!! Thank you, Silver Bells, Silver Bells…. It’s that time of year and your post rang clear! ?
To tell you the truth ,in true Silver mode “I’d rather have the cash”